Do you ever stress when you’re planning a getaway? Or maybe you feel like you’re spending too many hours doing research for the perfect resort or destination or restaurant and blindy relying on stranger’s reviews for guidance? Do you finish planning your vacation planning feeling uncertain that you made the right decisions?
If so, you could probably benefit from using a travel agent! Below are the different types of travelers that should definitely use a travel agent:
If you’re going somewhere new – If you’re venturing off into new (to you) territory, the planning can be a bit daunting. Where do you start? How do you know you’re seeing all the right things and picking the best places? What if you don’t speak the language? Chances are we have either been to your desired destination or booked that destination many times and we can help navigate all of your questions.
Destination Wedding Couples – you already have enough on your plate with planning the wedding of your absolute dreams. Add in a far-off location and that adds a whole lot of stress! If you work with a travel agent, we can help minimize that stress and possibly get you some great deals!
Honeymooners – This goes hand-in-hand with the last traveler group…if you’re already planning a wedding, you don’t want to have to plan the perfect honeymoon too! Just share a few details about what kind of honeymoon you’re after and we’ll do all of the legwork for you! Think of us as a wedding planner but for your honeymoon!
Working Parents – As it is, you have limited free time between your job, keeping up with the house, and chasing (or chauffeuring) around your kids. Our specialty is working with families and finding something that everyone can enjoy on vacation!
People with accessibility needs – Adding in accessibility needs, mental health needs, dietary restrictions always adds an extra layer of stress to trip planning. We specialize in helping those that need extra planning so let us take that weight off of you so you can plan the fun stuff!
If you don’t want to stay up-to-date with travel policies – Ever since travel has started up again, travel policies are CONSTANTLY in flux. If you’re traveling out of the country, do you know if you’re required to test prior to departure? Is there certain paperwork that needs to be completed ahead of time? What are the current mask policies for cruises or theme parks or beach destinations? What is the best travel insurance to purchase in case things start spiking again? We know all of this information and monitor all of the changes for you.
If you fall into one of these categories or don't want to bother with the stress of planning a vacation, book a consultation with us and let us do all of the planning for you!