The holidays are fast approaching and whether you are traveling to a new and exciting destination, taking your annual family trip to the Caribbean, or simply traveling to see family here are some tips:
Leave Extra Time for Travel Delays: Driving, flying, taking the train? It doesn’t matter budget extra time for traffic to get to your destination, even if it’s just the local airport or train station. Make sure you arrive at the airport with extra time to spare (yes even more than the usual two hours) since TSA lines can be long and unpredictable during the holidays. I’ve personally waited over an hour at Orlando International, and almost missed my flight because of it, during the holiday rush
Have Contingency Plans: December weather can be unpredictable. You may fly to the sunny Riviera Maya but, by the time you’re ready to come home, there’s a storm about to drop three feet of snow in your hometown. As a pet owner, I always make sure I discuss with my animal caretakers before hand if they will be available for an extra day or two should we not make it home when we anticipated. I also make sure to travel with a few extra outfits, or a plan to do laundry just incase there are major travel delays. If we’re gone for an extended period I try to get a ride to the airport so I don’t have to worry about my car sitting an extra few days in the airport parking lot.
Save the Holiday Celebrations for Home: It’s tempting to try to fit all of Christmas into your suitcase, including the tree, but if you’re traveling for the holidays it’s okay to celebrate and exchange gifts with your immediate family when you return. If you still have Santa age kids, have Santa leave a small gift with a note saying that he’s sad he missed you at home but he left presents for when you return. Alternatively, express to your children what a gift being able to travel is; not everyone is able to.
Have Patience: Holiday travel is stressful. Crowds are higher in your favorite theme parks. All Inclusive resorts are at full capacity. Cruise ships are brimming with guests. Every single person you are traveling with are feeling the same pressure to have an amazing holiday. The holidays are also a hard time for a lot of people. So remember to pack your patience when you travel, it will ensure you have the happiest holiday vacation.