We know, we know…school is just starting back up and we’re already talking about Spring Break??? Yes! We are! This goes for any vacation but ideally you’re booking your vacations as far in advance as possible and here’s why:
You get the most options – Booking your vacation far in advance ensures that you get the dates you want and the flight times that work best for you. If you wait too long to book vacation for in-demand dates, you may get stuck with red-eye flights. If you’re going somewhere like Walt Disney World (which used to have a 6 month dining reservation window), booking early allows you to get your favorite character meal.
Best possible price – Spring Break deals are already coming out for cruises and all-inclusives. And if a better deal comes along between now and then, we monitor those deals and make sure you’re getting the best deal possible.
Less stress! – Now that the kids are back in school, you have *a little* time to think about where you want to jet off to for Spring Break. By booking it now, we can make sure all the details are finalized early so it’s one last thing to worry about.
Build excitement with the kids (and you)! – Sometimes going back to school is rough and let’s be honest, kids aren’t always waking up every day excited to go to class. Give them something to look forward to by booking your trip so they can countdown the days to your next family getaway!
If you’re interested in what deals we currently have, join our VIP Facebook Group! We post exclusive deals in there for our close friends. You can find us on Facebook at “Carry on the Magic VIPs”!